Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Anonymous Comments

Alright, here is the bottom line: if anyone has a problem with me please express your feelings on my site and not my friend's. It would also be greatly appreciated if whomever is making these comments would fess up to them so that we can all be adults and work out these conflicts. Your comments are really not taken seriously unless we know who you are. And also, I agree with what Sean said; this is not just a website about ourselves. It is a blog, short for web log. A log is a place where you can write down anything; like your thoughts or what's happening in your life. It's like a diary. Lots of people have diaries, are they also stupid and vain? We are just getting sick of all these immature anonymous commenters who come to our sites and insult us without having the decency to let us know who you are. What do you have to hide? These websites are just for fun and are not supposed to be taken this seriously. I do not want any animosity between anyone or any feelings to get hurt over a stupid web log. So basically what I'm saying is that unless you tell us who you are, keep your negative comments to yourself. We welcome all comments whether they are good or bad. Just let us know who you are. Alright, this is all that I am going to say on this and from now on I will not take any anonymous comments seriously, so tell me who you are if you want to fight with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok here it is, on your site. I don't like you. Thats all.

October 14, 2004 at 11:24 AM  
Blogger Psychomoore said...

What a punk ass bitch. Can't even say his name. You know he's scared of the backlash cuz he won't even tell you his name. I would respect him a lot more if he would say this stuff with his name at the bottom. But not much more. Bitch-ass.

October 14, 2004 at 2:14 PM  
Blogger kings_fan10 said...

Well thank you for leting me know. But once again, no reason was given for you not liking me. Just an unjustified statement. So it doesn't really bother me. Anyway, keep the comments coming because there is nothing that you can say to me that is really going to affect me at all. I will continue to not drop down to your level or have feelings of hate for you, because I believe that we should all love each other. Who was it that first taught that? Oh that's right, it was Jesus. So continue to judge me all you want but the only judgment that I really care about is His.

October 14, 2004 at 4:20 PM  

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