Monday, November 01, 2004

Get Out the Vote!

I've kept politics out of my blog as long as I could, but I can't stand it anymore. I have to tell my readers my opinion on the election that will be held tomorrow. As you could probably tell from the Vote for Bush link, I am a Bush supporter. I don't see how anyone in a sane state of mind could vote for Kerry. The guy is simply not fit to be president, especially in this day and age. He says that he has a plan to get us out of Iraq, but he won't tell us exactly what it is. And why is everyone saying that if Bush gets elected we are going to have a draft? Kerry and the democrats are the only people that have ever mentioned the word "draft". Bush said that there was no need for one. Exactly how does Kerry plan to get countries like France to help us with the war? He says that he will do it but he doesn't tell us HOW he will do it. Maybe the man has some secret plan, but I don't see how we will be able to get all of these countries to help us in Iraq. We don't need them anyway. Has anyone ever reviewed Kerry's plan for our nation? If you haven't, I encourage you to check that out at John If you read his plan for America and you have any common sense at all, you will see that Kerry's ideas are good but not feasible. Most ideas look good on paper, but it doesn't mean that it will work. How many great ideas have we seen completely fail when implemented? Karl Marx had a good idea. So did Adolf Hitler. Kerry claims that he will cut the deficit in half his first year in office. Jump over to his stance on health care, and you see that he wants to give every American access to quality health care. How is he going to do that if he cuts back government spending? Who is going to pay for this? Obviously it won't be the rich leaders of industry, because under the Kerry plan they will be the only people in America not receiving a tax cut. His plan states that "99 percent of all Americans will receive a tax cut". Doesn't that seem unfair to the other one percent? Under the Bush plan, everyone receives a tax cut that is proportional to how much tax they pay. Obviously, the well off percentage of people will receive a larger tax cut simply because THEY PAY MORE TAXES! If you leave them out of the tax cuts, you are just going to irritate them and then they are more likely to move their business overseas where they can pay lower wages. Kerry says that he will stop giving tax cuts to companies that move overseas. They are going to move anyway though if they don't get any kind of tax break. Anyway, these companies aren't leaving because of the tax breaks, they are leaving because if you move your factory to India or someplace like that where there is no minimum wage, you can drastically cut your labor costs and increase your profits. So a measly little tax break isn't going to discourage companies from moving. Kerry also wants to make the nation independent from middle east oil. Again, this idea looks good on the surface, but exactly how does he expect to do that? He voted against opening new land to drill for oil in Alaska. So where is this oil going to come from?

Basically all I am trying to say is that Kerry is just telling the people what they want to hear, and he has no real plan of how to get it done. Vote for Kerry if you want a weaker national defense, a slumping economy, and a higher threat of terrorism. That's all I have to say.


Blogger Psychomoore said...

Wow man! That was great...I just...

Kerry isn't good for us man, you said it! Great post, I couln't have said it better if I tried!

November 1, 2004 at 7:33 PM  
Blogger Psychomoore said...


November 3, 2004 at 9:40 AM  

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