Monday, November 29, 2004
What to say about Thanksgiving except that it sucked cuz I was sick. Sick on Thanksgiving. I didn't even get to eat very much food. Oh well, at least I didn't have to go to school for those three days. I so enjoyed being able to sleep in and not have to always be worried about school. It was a good break from all the stress of the semester. The only problem is that now I don't want to go back. I feel so apathetic. I know that all I have to do is stay focused for one more week and then I am done with school for more than a month, but I just can't seem to get myself motivated. I have so much stuff to do this week to finish up the semester, so I hope that somehow I can manage to get out of the procrastination mode that I am in now and get all of this work done. I'm sure that I will be able to though, I always manage to find a way to get everything done. So everybody's semesters are getting close to the end and that means that soon everyone will be back home again. So I want to know what day everyone is planning to be home for Christmas. Gotta go to class now. Laters.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Just listening to this song and it was making me think a lot.
"Stories" by Trapt:
I found a line and then it grew
I found myself still thinking of you
I felt so empty and now I'm fine
But still it's burning, when will you be mine?
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for change, don't you?
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for us to walk away from here
Stories in our lives, we keep them all inside
Look at me still in your mind
Our memories so intertwined
Well you broke through and found your way
And so did I no need to stay
The same old picture, tried and true
Been through there, let's look for something new
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for change, don't you?
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for us to walk away from here
Do you remember lying on the beach so late at night
Do you remember running through the sprinklers that night
Do you remember all the songs that I have wrote for you,
All the songs that I have wrote for you
I remember,the way you made me feel when I was with you
I remember,the smile that always brought me back to you
That look in your eyes, I never thought that this could be untrue
That look in your eyes, I never thought that this could be untrue
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for change, don't you?
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for us to walk away from here
"Stories" by Trapt:
I found a line and then it grew
I found myself still thinking of you
I felt so empty and now I'm fine
But still it's burning, when will you be mine?
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for change, don't you?
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for us to walk away from here
Stories in our lives, we keep them all inside
Look at me still in your mind
Our memories so intertwined
Well you broke through and found your way
And so did I no need to stay
The same old picture, tried and true
Been through there, let's look for something new
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for change, don't you?
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for us to walk away from here
Do you remember lying on the beach so late at night
Do you remember running through the sprinklers that night
Do you remember all the songs that I have wrote for you,
All the songs that I have wrote for you
I remember,the way you made me feel when I was with you
I remember,the smile that always brought me back to you
That look in your eyes, I never thought that this could be untrue
That look in your eyes, I never thought that this could be untrue
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for change, don't you?
Too much of the same stories in our lives
I think it's time for us to walk away from here
Saturday, November 20, 2004

Sorry for not posting for so long. It's been a really busy, hectic, crazy, stressful, depressing week. But other than that everything is alright. I'm so excited because there are only 9 days of school left! Then I have more than a month off for Christmas. I need that time off, believe me. Anyway, so I was watching basketball last night, and I had turned the TV on to watch my Kings play at 8:30, but the Pistons-Pacers game was still on. So I was watching that, and all of the sudden, a huge riot broke out. I had never seen anything like it in all of my years watching basketball. Players were up in the stands fighting fans and fans were running onto the court to fight the players. It was crazy. I don't blame the players for rushing into the stands though, because if someone threw a full cup of beer at me for no reason I think I would do the same thing. Anyway, it was kinda fun to watch as sick as that might sound. Anyway, since all of my fellow bloggers are up in Alb and didn't even invite me, I feel a little alone. I'm kidding guys, you know that I wouldn't have come anyway, but still offended that I didn't even get invited. Also, the big BYU-Utah rivalry game is tonight at 5, so any of you college football fans out there should definitely check that one out.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Calculus Sucks
Ok, I hate math. I guess that kinda sucks for me since my whole major is based on math. By the time I graduate, I'm going to have a freaking minor in math. But I hate math. Especially calculus. Who needs to know about integrals and sequences and differential equations and stuff like that anyway? All of you who were in Mrs. Gutman's class with me last year, you guys know what I am talking about. Calculus is evil. I have to take a whole class devoted to differential equations. That really sucks. Most people don't even know what a differential equation is, yet I will be studying them for an entire semester. This sucks. I think I'm going to change my major. Something that doesn't involve math. Anybody have any suggestions?
If there were girls like this in my calculus classes, I wouldn't be complaining as much.

If there were girls like this in my calculus classes, I wouldn't be complaining as much.

Amy's Blog
Amy has a blog now too! Everybody should go check this one out. So if you are looking for a blog with a catchy title, go to insertcatchytitlehere. And just so you know Amy, we like to see posts as often as possible, so always try and keep your blog updated. Go check out Amy's blog right now!
Thursday, November 11, 2004
The O.C.
Did anybody watch the O.C. tonight? Ok well if you did, good for you. If not, you don't know what you are missing. Anyway, what is Ryan's problem though? Seriously, telling Marissa (who is played by the beautiful Mischa Barton, whom I know that you have heard of if you read my site) that they should just be friends. What is this guy thinking? Was he drunk? I don't know, but who turns down the opportunity to be with a girl like that? Now I realize that she was hooking up with some loser, but still. Ryan left her so he has no reason to get upset. Anyway, I just realized that I just went off about a T.V. show and characters that don't even exist, so I'm going to go re-evaluate my life now.

(This is Marissa)

(This is Marissa)
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Out of Control
I think I need help. I feel so out of control right now. Everything has changed in the past week and now I don't know what I'm doing. I have finally found what I've been needing but now I'm losing what I had. Why do things always have to be so flippin complicated? I feel complete yet incomplete at the same time. How is that possible? I didn't think that it was but now I know it is and it sucks. I'm supposed to be the advice guy, yet I can't even figure out what to do for myself. I know that I should do whatever makes me happy, but that just sounds kinda selfish to me. No matter what I do, or how hard I try, someone is going to get hurt by my actions. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I have a feeling that the person who is going to end up getting hurt is myself. Maybe I'm just overreacting, and I need to take things one day at a time. Try not to think so much about what is going to happen in the future, because everything always works out for the best. I just hope that everyone involved understands that. Maybe I need to get more sleep at night. That might help. I feel like giving up sometimes. Has anyone else ever felt like that? Like you just can't continue anymore. I want to just stop going to school, and not have to worry about that anymore. Why is everything so hard? At least there's only like three weeks of school left. I feel like giving in. I need some time to think about everything, but I don't have time to think. Maybe that's my problem. I don't know. Maybe I need to just calm down, and let things work themselves out. I need a day off. Oh well, time to go to class.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
The Mighty Rio Grande

Even the mighty Rio Grande was no match for my Jeep! Dick and I went and tore it up this week in what is left of the Rio Grande. It was so awesome, except for the two times in which we almost got stuck in the mud. But there is nothing that my Jeep can't handle! I also made the mistake of driving into water of unknown depths, and we were in water so deep that it was all the way above my tires! Once we got out of that, I had to stop for like, 15 minutes to let my engine dry out. But other than that it was totally awesome.

Here is Dick trying to act like this is his truck. Keep dreaming, buddy.

Isn't that beautiful?
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Thank you America!

Alright, this country isn't as messed up as I thought it was! Bush won the election, no contested votes and no controversies. He also won the popular vote by about 4 million, so there is no claiming that Bush didn't really win the election this time. I'm so excited, because I contributed to his victory. It's also very exciting that he won in New Mexico! WOW, for the first time since Reagan, New Mexico voted for the republican candidate. Maybe this state isn't so bad after all! Anyway, I know that the country is on the right path now, and that we can all look forward to a safer nation.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Get Out the Vote!

I've kept politics out of my blog as long as I could, but I can't stand it anymore. I have to tell my readers my opinion on the election that will be held tomorrow. As you could probably tell from the Vote for Bush link, I am a Bush supporter. I don't see how anyone in a sane state of mind could vote for Kerry. The guy is simply not fit to be president, especially in this day and age. He says that he has a plan to get us out of Iraq, but he won't tell us exactly what it is. And why is everyone saying that if Bush gets elected we are going to have a draft? Kerry and the democrats are the only people that have ever mentioned the word "draft". Bush said that there was no need for one. Exactly how does Kerry plan to get countries like France to help us with the war? He says that he will do it but he doesn't tell us HOW he will do it. Maybe the man has some secret plan, but I don't see how we will be able to get all of these countries to help us in Iraq. We don't need them anyway. Has anyone ever reviewed Kerry's plan for our nation? If you haven't, I encourage you to check that out at John If you read his plan for America and you have any common sense at all, you will see that Kerry's ideas are good but not feasible. Most ideas look good on paper, but it doesn't mean that it will work. How many great ideas have we seen completely fail when implemented? Karl Marx had a good idea. So did Adolf Hitler. Kerry claims that he will cut the deficit in half his first year in office. Jump over to his stance on health care, and you see that he wants to give every American access to quality health care. How is he going to do that if he cuts back government spending? Who is going to pay for this? Obviously it won't be the rich leaders of industry, because under the Kerry plan they will be the only people in America not receiving a tax cut. His plan states that "99 percent of all Americans will receive a tax cut". Doesn't that seem unfair to the other one percent? Under the Bush plan, everyone receives a tax cut that is proportional to how much tax they pay. Obviously, the well off percentage of people will receive a larger tax cut simply because THEY PAY MORE TAXES! If you leave them out of the tax cuts, you are just going to irritate them and then they are more likely to move their business overseas where they can pay lower wages. Kerry says that he will stop giving tax cuts to companies that move overseas. They are going to move anyway though if they don't get any kind of tax break. Anyway, these companies aren't leaving because of the tax breaks, they are leaving because if you move your factory to India or someplace like that where there is no minimum wage, you can drastically cut your labor costs and increase your profits. So a measly little tax break isn't going to discourage companies from moving. Kerry also wants to make the nation independent from middle east oil. Again, this idea looks good on the surface, but exactly how does he expect to do that? He voted against opening new land to drill for oil in Alaska. So where is this oil going to come from?
Basically all I am trying to say is that Kerry is just telling the people what they want to hear, and he has no real plan of how to get it done. Vote for Kerry if you want a weaker national defense, a slumping economy, and a higher threat of terrorism. That's all I have to say.