Friday, October 29, 2004
It's homecoming week! I really miss high school, because back then homecoming was a big deal and everyone was excited. Here, no one really cares. I'm not even going to the game. I guess that is what happens when your football team isn't that good. What is the difference between the homecoming game and any other home game? Seriously, just because it has been designated as a homecoming game doesn't mean anything. It's still just a normal game. How do they choose the homecoming game anyway? Do they just randomly choose a home game or is there actually a process, or a formula, for deciding which game should be homecoming? Maybe they pick the home game that we are most likely to win, and make that one homecoming. I don't know, but I think that the homecoming game should be the first home game of the year. That's just my opinion. Anyway, in other developments, I have decided to change my major. I'm just not as excited about what I'm doing as I thought I would be. So I'm going to change to computer science, and then I can be a software engineer. Then, check this out; I'm going to start my own software company and take down Microsoft! Watch out Bill Gates; Dustin Brandon is coming!
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
My Mind is Foggy

So after yesterday's rain storms, this morning the entire city was covered with a thick layer of fog. We're talking real thick. I couldn't see driving to school. It was like the picture above, except it was worse. What is up with this crazy weather? It has already rained over ten inches here this year, and normally it only rains 6 or 7. Drought? What drought? The drought is over now and I think that maybe people can let the whole water issue rest for a little bit. Who knows, maybe with all this crazy weather going on this year, it might actually snow here! That would be so cool. Well, actually it would be cold but you know what I mean. I want to go skiing, even though I've never been and I don't know how, it looks like fun. I guess it probably won't snow here though. I gotta do my homework now, so I'll end this and hope that the picture below will be enough snow for me.

(This photo was taken near Provo, so I know how you feel Allie!)
Monday, October 25, 2004
The Day After Tomorrow?

Ok, so I'm driving to school today, and it's like poring rain. It had been raining like this for 3 hours. Now those of you who know New Mexico know that this is very unusual. So the night before I had just seen that movie The Day After Tomorrow, so I'm thinking to myself wow this is just like in the movie. Any of you who have seen the movie know what I'm talking about. Seriously though, I was driving and there was water over the sidewalks on the streets! That doesn't happen here, so I jumped to the conclusion that the polar ice caps had melted significantly enough to cause a drop in the temperature of the ocean thus disrupting some ocean current that has an impact on the Earth's climate. After I had convinced myself that this was what was happening, it stopped raining and the sun came out. Guess I was wrong. But while we are on the subject of weather, I just talked to Allie, and she said that it is currently snowing where she is at. Even more reason for me to be up there. I love snow, and, needless to say, we don't get any down here. At least we had a change in the weather though, and it's kinda cold so it feels more like fall. I love fall, it's my favorite time of the year. Except for Christmas, that is really my favorite time of the year, but fall is my favorite season. Everything is changing, the weather is getting colder. Anyway, if you haven't seen The Day After Tomorrow, it's pretty good and even though they exaggerated some of the events, it's pretty realistic. What happened in that movie can actually happen, so it makes you think. And I thought that it was happening today!

My Amazing Weekend
Well, as I'm sure most of you already know, I had the best weekend ever. My Allie was in town for a quick visit!! She got home at like midnight on Thursday, and I was at her house waiting for her. We spent most of Friday, part of Saturday, and all of Sunday together. It was kind of like going back in time, back to when things were great and I had everything I needed here. I guess that is why I was really sad when she left. This time it was really hard to say good-bye; harder than any other time. Oh well, guess it's back to my normal, miserable life. I'm trying to plan a trip to go see her over thanksgiving, but if that doesn't work out it will be 54 days until I see her again. That is way too long, but I guess I just have to deal with it. It won't be too long until I'm outta this place though, and I can always be with her.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Our Community Has Grown!
I remember when I first started this whole blogging thing. It was just me and Brett and Sean. Those were the only other blogs that I read. Then we got Dick into the mix with Dick's Life, and then I heard about Lola's site I'm Special. Then, just recently, Ashleigh became a member of the community with her site Put a Smile on Joe's Face. Now, the most recent addition to this not so little community is my friend Laura, who has a new site called The D Files. It's just so cool to look at how this community of bloggers has grown since I first started blogging it up. Anyway, if you haven't seen any of the sites I mentioned above, where have you been? GO check those out right now. And I'm sure that we will be welcoming new members to the community in the near future.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Yankees Suck!!!

Can anyone believe this? The Boston Red Sox played an amazing game last night to force a game 7 after trailing in the series 3-0. Never before has a team come back from 3-0 to force a game 7. My man Curt Schilling made a miraculous comeback after some speculation that he was done for the series and would need surgery on his ankle and pitched seven innings allowing only one run. I'm not really a Boston fan, I know some people who are, but I absolutely HATE the Yankees. I will root for any team that is playing them, and especially in a situation like this. Let's hope that Boston can carry this momentum into game 7. Yeah, GO BOSTON!!!!! THE YANKEES SUCK!!!!!!
Monday, October 18, 2004
Put a Smile On!
Hey check this out everybody: Ashleigh has a blog! So go check that out as soon as you can. There is a lot of interesting and enlightening stuff on there. I think that she is trying to replace me as the profound, optimistic blogger though. Good luck with that! Anyway, go check out her site as soon as possible, I guarantee that it will put a smile on your face.
Friday, October 15, 2004
Stupid Post
Here it is: a post about nothing. That's right, a stupid post on a stupid website. Why would I post something like this? Simple. BECAUSE I CAN!!! This is who I am and if you don't like me than it's YOUR LOSS. My website is stupid but so is everything else in the world. And do you know what is really stupid? When people let things that have happened in the past affect the decisions they make today. Let go of the past because it is just that-the past. You can't change what you did or what you wish you had done, so you have to move on and not let the past cause you to act immature. What really sucks is when you think that you know someone, and then you find out that they really aren't the person that you thought they were. Why do people pretend to be someone that they are not? Who are you trying to impress? You can't please everyone in the world so why should you try to. The person that I am most concerned with pleasing is myself, and anyone who doesn't like that can stay the hell off of my blog.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Anonymous Comments
Alright, here is the bottom line: if anyone has a problem with me please express your feelings on my site and not my friend's. It would also be greatly appreciated if whomever is making these comments would fess up to them so that we can all be adults and work out these conflicts. Your comments are really not taken seriously unless we know who you are. And also, I agree with what Sean said; this is not just a website about ourselves. It is a blog, short for web log. A log is a place where you can write down anything; like your thoughts or what's happening in your life. It's like a diary. Lots of people have diaries, are they also stupid and vain? We are just getting sick of all these immature anonymous commenters who come to our sites and insult us without having the decency to let us know who you are. What do you have to hide? These websites are just for fun and are not supposed to be taken this seriously. I do not want any animosity between anyone or any feelings to get hurt over a stupid web log. So basically what I'm saying is that unless you tell us who you are, keep your negative comments to yourself. We welcome all comments whether they are good or bad. Just let us know who you are. Alright, this is all that I am going to say on this and from now on I will not take any anonymous comments seriously, so tell me who you are if you want to fight with me.
Monday, October 11, 2004
Patrolling for Snow
Check this out, this is a band that I have just recently had the privledge of hearing (thanks Julie!!). When I first listened to Final Straw, I was surprised by the high quality of music from such an underground band. Each time I listen to this CD, I like it even more. It is so different form anything else out there. It is hard to describe exactly what type of music this band would be categorized with, because they are just so unique. There is just something about the first track, How to be Dead, that just speaks to me. I absolutely love this song. I certainly expect to be hearing a lot more from this band in the future. I strongly recommend giving Snow Patrol a listen. They have become one of my favorite bands and I'm sure that you all will like them too. I'll put up a link to their site so definitely go check that out.
Friday, October 08, 2004
Nothing Left For Me
There's nothing here for me anymore
Just fear of the unknown and nothing more
Still trying to fill the empty void
I know I can't and I'm getting annoyed
There's nothing here that can replace
Everyday seeing her beautiful face
I try to hide the pain inside
No one knows how much I've cried
But every night when I go to sleep
And until I hear my alarm clock beep
I dream about that glorious day
When I'm with you and its all okay
Just fear of the unknown and nothing more
Still trying to fill the empty void
I know I can't and I'm getting annoyed
There's nothing here that can replace
Everyday seeing her beautiful face
I try to hide the pain inside
No one knows how much I've cried
But every night when I go to sleep
And until I hear my alarm clock beep
I dream about that glorious day
When I'm with you and its all okay
All You Have to Do is Ask
Alright check this out, all of my friends have said that I give good advice. Now I'm thinking of becoming a shrink. So I'm going to try something out to see just how good I am. If you have a problem, or you need advice on anything you can tell me your situation in a comment and I will reply with my advice. If you want to, you can also send me an e-mail at So hit me with your biggest problems and I will try to help you out the best I can. Help me also to get some "shrinking" experience!
Monday, October 04, 2004
Back From the SLC

I just got back from Salt Lake City where I was chillin with my girl. I had such a great time and I wish that I could have stayed up there. I can't even describe the feeling I had when I saw my Allie running towards me and jumping into my arms. It was by far the best weekend that I have had all school year. The picture above is the Salt Lake temple. Originally, one of the reasons I went to SLC was to attend the church conference, but long story short we didn't get to go but I still had a great time. I already miss Allie though and I can't wait to see her again. I guess I'm sort of glad to be home though.