Wednesday, January 05, 2005

"Come Around Again"

"Come Around Again" by Jet:

Yeah I'm waiting, for you it's been so long
Yeah I'm waiting, for you it's been so long
Yeah I'm sad when I'm on my own
They said it takes a long long time
If it's not too much
Could you hear me now?

You promised me you'd always be
When I wake up please come around again
Come around again
You promised me you'd always be
When I wake up please come around again
Come around again yeah

Yeah I'm waiting, for you it's been so long
Yeah I'm sad when I'm all alone
They said it takes a long long time
If it's not too much
Could you hear me now?

You promise me you'd always be
When I wake up please come around again
Come around again
You promised me you'd always be
When I wake up please come around again
Come around again

Yeah there's something I was thinking about
Get it out of my head
Yeah there's something I was kicking around
Something you said
I don't know when I'm right
I only know when I'm wrong
When you gonna leave some light to show it all
And keep the lights from going off
Cuz I don't see

Yeah I'm waiting, for you it's been so long
Yeah I'm lost but I'm at home
They said it takes a long long time
If it's not too much
Could you hear me now?

Come around again
Come around again
Please come around again.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Friends: New and Old

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and scored all the great stuff you wanted! By the way, this is Allie, I am sitting here with Dustin and we decided to post but I wanted to say a few words. Dustin and I have both been reflecting on this time of year and we decided to write a post about how grateful we are for the friendships we share. At my pajama party, I realized that even a semester hasn't changed how tight we all are. It is at this time of year that Dustin and I are taking a moment to thank everyone for all the great times that we have shared as friends. For the nights that we sat around and just ate pizza(Brett and Tracy) for the interpretive dances(Amy and Abby) and for all the other memories that have proven how close we really are. Everyone is wondering about how Dustin and I can still be so close even though we are both in relationships with other people. Well, we have decided that what really comprised a large majority of our relationship was a deep, beautiful friendship. And that doesn't change with time. That is what great friends are about: always caring about each other no matter the distance or situation. So thanks for all the memories and for all the moments that have shaped who we are today as people. We love you and I(Allie) am glad to be back for a short walk down memory lane!

Alexandria Hill and Dustin Brandon

Sunday, December 12, 2004

I'm Only Gonna Say This Once

I do not think that if you drink you are a horrible person. I think that it is each person's individual decision as to the things that they wish to do, and whatever you do choose does not make you a good person or a bad person. I do however take offense to people thinking that I would pass that kind of judgment on someone else, even my best friend. I'm sorry if I have made anyone feel bad about the things that they do or whatever. However, the comments like "dude just come to the party, you don't have to drink" or "dude you can just have one drink right, that's not a big deal" have the same affect on me. Those comments make me feel like I am STUPID for choosing to give up that lifestyle and that the standards and rules that I now choose to obey are ridiculous. And believe it or not, it even sometimes makes me feel like I'm not cool anymore, or at least not as cool as I used to be. I have heard what some people have said about me at these parties. "The cool Dustin would be here partying with us right now". But that's ok, because I believe very strongly in what I am doing and I'm not concerned about what other people think. I am, however, concerned that this is coming between a group of really good friends. Now you guys know where I stand and I know where you stand, so let's just put that all aside and not let this petty disagreement come between us. I still care about each and every one of you, and I don't want to lose friends over something so stupid. That's all I'm going to say.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


This is in reference to my last post, for those of you who don't know who Anna Kournikova is. Well, there you go, now you know who she is. In fact, I think that Anna is going to replace Mischa as the hottie of this blog. Some of my readers were a little critical of Mischa, so I challenge anyone to find something wrong with Anna. Plus she plays tennis, and that is always a good thing. Come to think of it, why didn't I post pics of her sooner?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Finally Got One

I couldn't resist the temptation anymore. I had to get one, it's like it was calling my name. I guess I just got a little tired of the PS2 after more than a year, and I needed something a little different. What's great now is that I have both a PS2 and an X-Box, so it's like, the best of both worlds! So far I only have the two games that came with it, but that has proved to be enough to keep me occupied for the time being. The games are NCAA football 2005 and Topspin Tennis. Topspin Tennis is such an amazing game. I've spent most of my free time the past couple of days just playing that game. The gameplay is so realistic. Not to mention the fact that Anna Kournikova is in the game. I think that's all I have to say about that. I don't think, however, that I am going to purchase Halo or Halo 2. Never really been a big fan of those games so I think I'll put my money towards something I will enjoy more. So anyway, anyone who wants to have a video game night or whatever, just let me know and we'll X-Box it up.

Monday, December 06, 2004


I just had one. And it was so strong that I couldn't wait to share it with everyone. As much as I have experienced and thought I understood love, I, as of about ten minutes ago, just figured out what it means to love someone. I mean REALLY figured out what it is to REALLY love someone. It goes so much further than just a feeling, or an emotion that is inside you. When you love someone, it means that you will do anything for that person. You will do whatever you can do to make them as happy as possible, even if it is not beneficial to you. Love is a selfless act, or at least the true form of love is. You feel so deeply for a person that you can't imagine doing something to them that will cause them any amount of pain or unhappiness. You always put that person's needs ahead of your own, and you are always willing to sacrifice for that person. If you truly love someone, you will always feel like you aren't doing enough for them, and that there is always something more that you could be doing to make them happy. Love is a strong attachment or devotion to someone. It means that you are dedicated to a person, for better or for worse, and that there is no force on the earth that can break that attachment. Wow. We should all be so lucky to experience this feeling in our lives, and to know what it's like to willingly sacrifice something that is important to you or something that you really want to do because you care so much about a person. So here's to love, the most unselfish feeling that you will ever know.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Tired Of...

I'm tired of people who try to be something that they are not. It really bothers me when the world sees someone one way and then a select people see them the way they really are. And what's even worse is when the world's perception of that person is great, but if they knew what those few people who knew him do then they might change their opinions. I just get tired of that. Maybe I'm just tired in general. I've only been able to get at the most 4 hours of sleep in the past two days. I probably won't even remember posting this. But the point is that we should always stay true to who we are and never let the pressures of the world shape who we become.